2018 Is here to stay, so maybe it’s time you make cyber security your new year’s resolution. Ever year Splashdata compiles a list of the most common login passwords, gathered from leaked data. If your password matches one of these, then maybe it’s time to think of changing it for good. Maybe consider using a browser plugin like Lastpass for your password needs, it helps you generate super safe passwords, and saves them for you, so you only need to remember one.
1. 123456
2. Password
3. 12345678
4. qwerty
5. 12345
6. 123456789
7. letmein
8. 1234567
9. football
10. iloveyou
11. admin
12. welcome
13. monkey
14. login
15. abc123
16. starwars
17. 123123
18. dragon
19. passw0rd
20. master
21. hello
22. freedom
23. whatever
24. qazwsx
25. trustno1
Stay safe out there, and remember trustno1 with your new password.